Discover NIKON industrial microscopes with episcopic optical contrast inspection techniques in conjunction with digital imaging accessories for metallurgical material inspection in many industrial applications.
ECLIPSE LV 150NA and LV 150N
Modular, Motorized and Manual Upright Microscopes
Superb Nikon CFI60-2 optics provide excellent images to both eyepieces and to the optional port on Nikon’s digital imaging cameras with analysis software. Thanks to the modular design, the universal microscope allows complementary optical contrast techniques on one microscope stand.
A series of flexible, modular, upright microscopes for various episcopic optical contrast techniques (BF-DF-DIC-POL-Fluorescence-Interferometry). Together with digital imaging accessories and large stage X-Y travels, the instruments are ideal for semiconductor and material inspection activities.
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarization (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Nikon Digital Sight Cameras
The full range of Nikon’s Digital Sight cameras efficiently captures images of a sample and deliver them to the image processing software of the NIS-Elements suite, together with microscope data on the objective lens used, magnification setting and light intensity.
Modular Component Accessories
From lamphouse to eyepiece, components are selected to match a user’s application. They include stands, stages, objectives, nosepieces, optical heads, eyepieces, digital cameras, filters and contrast technique accessories.
Universal Optical Contrast Methods
Reflected light: brightfield, darkfield, polarizing (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC), epi-fluorescence and two-beam interferometry.
Ergonomic Design
Optimal positioning of operator controls and a variable angle eye-tube allow fatigue-free work. The right-way-up, right-way-around image enables raw materials, semiconductors and industrial components to be correctly observed.
Intelligent Digital Communication
By means of an LV-ECON E controller, LV150NA and LV150N microscopes can detect and control the objective lens, light intensity, aperture and epi-contrast via Nikon’s NIS-Elements software. The LV150N detects and reports on the objective lens using the LV-NU5I and LV-INAD.
Modular Motorized and Manual Upright Microscopes
The ECLIPSE LV100NDA and LV100ND series of flexible, modular, upright microscopes from Nikon is designed for episcopic and diascopic optical contrast techniques. The instruments can be supplied with digital imaging camera accessories and are ideal for material inspection in many industrial applications.
Superb Nikon CFI60-2 optics provide excellent images to both eyepieces and to the optional port on Nikon’s digital imaging cameras with analysis software. The universal microscope design allows complementary optical contrast techniques together on one microscope stand thanks to a modular component program.
Nikon ECLIPSE LV100NDA and LV100ND
These microscopes with episcopic and diascopic illumination are intended for inspection of industrial materials and components as well as research and development applications.
Nikon CFI60-2 Optical Series
Nikon’s innovative design enables clear imaging techniques, including high contrast, brightfield, darkfield, polarization (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC) and double beam interferometry optical contrast.
Nikon Digital Sight Cameras
The full range of Nikon’s Digital Sight cameras efficiently captures images of a sample and deliver them to the image processing software of the NIS-Elements suite, together with microscope data on the objective lens used, magnification setting and light intensity.
Modular Component Accessories
From lamphouse to eyepiece, components are selected to match a user’s application. They include stands, stages, objectives, nosepieces, optical heads, eyepieces, digital cameras, filters and contrast technique accessories.
Universal Optical Contrast Methods
Reflected light: brightfield, darkfield, polarizing (POL), differential interference contrast (DIC), epi-fluorescence and two-beam interferometry.
Intelligent Digital Communication
The LV100NDA detects and controls objective lens value, position, light intensity, aperture and contrast via Nikon software. The LV100ND detects and reports on the objective lens used by LV-NU5I and LV-INAD.
Ergonomic Design
Optimal positioning of operator controls and a variable angle eye-tube allow fatigue-free work, providing a right-way-up, right-way-around image for correctly observing materials, semiconductors and industrial components.
All Applications from Research to Routine are Addressed
The ECLIPSE LV100N POL and Ci-POL series of polarizing microscopes is used to study the birefringent properties of anisotropic specimens by observing image contrast and color changes. Nikon offers systems for both quantitative and qualitative study.
Superb Nikon CFI60-POL optics provide excellent images to eyepieces and to Nikon’s digital cameras. LV100N POL enables a range of studies from conoscopy to orthoscopy using a full range of dedicated accessories. Ci-POL enables a range of studies on a compact microscope.
Nikon CFI60-POL Objective Lens Series
Nikon’s innovative, strain free, long working distance, high NA, eco-glass component POL objectives deliver clear, high contrast images to the observer and digital camera.
These instruments feature episcopic and diascopic illumination for mineralogical study of gross or thin sections. Optically active materials may be studied for composition and distribution analysis.
Diascopic and Episcopic Illumination
Episcopic studies are possible with the LV-UEPI-N illuminator. The 12V-50W lamphouse is used for diascopic and episcopic illumination. Switching illumination, epi to dia, is a simple operation.
Full Range of Optical Accessories
A comprehensive range of accessories for quantitative analysis is provided by Berek, Senarmont and Quartz wedge compensators, supported by a vernier scale mechanical stage.
30mm Long Focus Stroke
LV100N POL and Ci-POL stands accept tall, gross samples due to the extra-long 30mm focus range, exceeding the normal range of diascopic microscope models.